There are things out there you might not know.

If you have forgotten something somewhere you have just left and have to go back to retrieve it, you need to look in the mirror before you cross the threshold and leave again. That is how one tricks the powers that made one forgetful.

Most kinds of evil or unholy beings can be banished either by prayer, or, which is even more effective, by the most explicit swearing you can come up with.

The infamous chicken-legged hut of Baba Yaga is technically a coffin. A traveller cannot bypass it because it stands on the border between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The only way through is, well. Through.

The letter you can see in the title is a Cyrillic letter Ы (еры in Church Slavonic). No word in the Russian language starts with ы, but it can be used in speech individually to express a varied range of emotions, from frustration to delight.

It might not be the most useful letter; but it’s definitely the most relatable one.

Ы is a letter.
Dark Russian folklore podcast.

Coming soon.

This episode was researched, written, and translated by: doc.
The voices, in order of appearance: Stacy, Peter Joseph Lewis, David Ault, doc.
Cricket sounds are courtesy of

‘Ы is a letter’ is a non-profit project; it is not funded, connected, or associated with any organisations or political ideologies. If you find what we do useful, please consider donating to a charity of your choice.